180 days of learning

180 days of learning

You can scroll the shelf using and keys


November 30, 2012 , ,

When Mrs. Davis asked her class what would motivate them to read more, they gave her a lot of great suggestions! Twitter was one of those suggestions. I was able to go into two of her classes and explain the in’s and out’s of twitter. Mrs. Davis had her students take home a permission slip and before they could join Twitter they had to have that returned. The students who were under the age of 13 paired up with another student.

Prior to class, I tweeted from my account for some help: 

This is the response I got within minutes: 

This was great because I was able to start my lesson right away with an example of how quickly you can communicate via Twitter! We went over various tips and tricks for using Twitter then let them loose! The students created their accounts and their goal was to follow Mrs. Davis along with other teachers, as well as, five authors. They had a great time looking up their favorite authors and a student even tweeted @Scholastic to get suggestions!

Teaching our students how to correctly use Social Media is extremely important. It is not something we can shy away from because we are scared of the world it opens up. Get involved!

Allison Holland, @allieLholland, eLearning Coach for Riverside Intermediate and Lincoln Junior High

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